MARGE 29th October 2007

"A SWEET LOVING MOTHER" It was so sad when we lost you! Then we had to go and lose dad too. It left me & Bobby orphans, not knowing what to do. I've always envied anyone who's got even one parent! People today don't realize just how lucky they are. Did you & dad know that Bobby was Carthage's famous "Football Star"? I remember alot about both of you! You both smoked camel cigarettes and dad's eyes were blue. It about killed us when we lost you. It's been beyond painful going through life this way! We look forward to seeing you & dad again someday. Losing Grandma Phillips & "Aunt Norma" have taken it's toll on me! I will love all of you "MOM", for all eternity. It was hard to lose "Aunt Marian & Sadie", "Uncle Sonny", and "Aunt Rose" too, because they were all loved alot by you and me. I've always loved you both dearly I want you to know! Losing my beautiful "Aunt Norma" was such a blow. It was hard to lose sweet Grandma Phillips too, cuz she was the glue. Dad re-married after you died! I remember how Dad, Bobby, & I cried. You were so young, and we were so little! It just wasn't fair that you up and died of cancer. I asked God "WHY", but I got no answer. Bobby & I have two half sister's by dad's second marriage. We love Shirley & Sharon with all of our hearts. But, it's not easy being apart. Rosemary was dad's other "SWEETHEART". I just found out the other day that dad dated a woman by the name of Betty Loter. They had a son together and his name is Bob. Before dad met you Betty must have been dad's first heart throb. Aunt Rose told me that it was "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT" when dad laid eyes on you! You were his only "TRUE LOVE", and I know you worshipped him too. Only a week before dad was killed he was crying and told Grandma Phillips he wanted to be with you! Dad wasn't killed in that terrible wreck, he died from a broken heart because his grief was un-bearable to lose his "LUKIE", he felt his life was through. He dearly loved all of his kid's and was about to reveal Bob Loter to Rosemary & the family when he got killed. Bobby nor I ever got over it, and we probably never will. You & dad were both so young when you passed away! But, Bobby & I will see you guy's in heaven someday. It's been hard not having "Grandparents" for our kid's, what more can I say? Bobby & I will always love you and miss you "EVERYDAY". Love you forever, Margie & Bobby! xoxo Your daughter Margie Hillgartnr IN LOVING MEMORY OF LORETTA LOUISE PHILLIPS Her 2 children are: Margie Hillgartner & Robert Wayne Phillips Louise has 6 Grandchildren: Jay Hillgartner, Jerry Hillgartner & Jeannie Hillgartner Brooke Phillips, Ashley Phillips, & Timothey Phillips Louise has 1 son-in-law: John Hillgartner Louise has 1 daughter-in-law: Julie Phillips